Monday, May 31, 2021

Should same sex marriage be legalized essay

Should same sex marriage be legalized essay

should same sex marriage be legalized essay

There are multiple side to view this, but gay marriage but in my opinion gay marriage is socially accepted. it should be legal and it does affect American teens in a broad spectrum of ways. There have been a lot of issues on whether or not same-sex marriage should be legal or not. According to Burns, “ The union Apr 06,  · When it comes to same sex marriage, granting legal marriage rights under the law must extend to gays and lesbians to ensure that all citizens enjoy full human rights. When it comes to same sex marriage, it is getting better, but very slowly. Our generation has changed things for the future Oct 20,  · 10 October The government shouldn’t legalize the same-sex marriage because the legal definition of marriage is the civil union between a man and a woman, marriage is a religious rite, and also those couples will be able to adopt children if they are given the right to marry. Same-sex marriage is also known as gay blogger.comted Reading Time: 5 mins

Should Same-Sex Marriages be Legalized? | Free Essay Example

Same-sex marriage is also known as gay marriage. Same-sex marriage is between two people of the same gender. The Should same sex marriage be legalized essay became the first country to legalize same-sex marriage in ; in the United States of America, the first state to legalize same-sex marriage was Massachusetts, on May 17, According to ProCon, should same sex marriage be legalized essay.

rgas of May 10,same-sex marriage has been legalized in eight states such as: Massachusetts, Connecticut, Lowa, Vermont, New Hampshire, New York, Washington, Maryland, and the District of Columbia which will be effective on January 1, This has become an even more controversial topic since these current legalizations of same-sex marriage. One argument against same-sex marriage is that the legal definition of marriage is the civil union between a man and a woman.

rg,Con Gay Marriage, ¶1. Further, if any government gives the right to marry same-sex couples this traditional institution of marriage will weaken. org,Con Gay Marriage, ¶8. Therefore, same-sex marriage is totally the opposite of the traditional institution of marriage; those are two things that cannot have the same rights, and actually God made us to be heterosexual no homosexual. In addition, marriage is a religious rite. org,Con Gay Marriage, ¶4.

org,Con Gay Marriage, ¶ If same-sex is legalized, churches and other religious institutions would be forced to change their rules in order to marry same-sex marriage couples. Furthermore, one of the biggest problems for society and probably the most important for new generations is that same-sex marriage would be that those couples will be able to adopt children if they are given the right to marry. org,Con Gay Marriage, ¶1, should same sex marriage be legalized essay.

Children need both a mother and a father, because they learn a lot from each of them. org,Con Gay Marriage, ¶6. Besides, same-sex marriage will intensify to the assimilation of homosexuals into a heterosexual culture. And probably that one of the facts that can affects the society the most, because if that happened our moral and religious values would be lost. The supporters and people who are for the same-sex marriage argue that they should have the right to civil marriage because of same marriage benefits, such as: health insurance and public acceptance which should same sex marriage be legalized essay couples have.

On other hand, if the government were to legalize same-sex marriage the public acceptance is not guaranteed. Because people are that decided in what they are going to believe, maybe some people will accept this and a larger group of people disagrees. Hence, no government should legalize same-sex marriage for all the facts that this action may involve, for example, those couples will be able to adopt children and also because of moral and religious values.

Accordingly about what we have read, the legalization of same-sex marriage is an unmoral and unreligious action. I think that promoting homosexuality with government-backed same-sex marriage it would hurt our children, the generations that are growing, the country, and also the entire world. If a homosexual man or woman wants to get married, the only thing they need to do is choose not to be homosexual and marry someone of the opposite sex.

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The Case Against Same-Sex Marriage - WSJ Opinion

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Why Same Sex Marriage Should be Legal - Free Essay Example |

should same sex marriage be legalized essay

There are multiple side to view this, but gay marriage but in my opinion gay marriage is socially accepted. it should be legal and it does affect American teens in a broad spectrum of ways. There have been a lot of issues on whether or not same-sex marriage should be legal or not. According to Burns, “ The union Apr 13,  · Same-sex marriage should be legal because it provides equal benefits to all. Before legalization in the United States, homosexual couples had no hospital visitation rights. This means that if an emergency occurred, a person was not allowed to visit their life Jan 10,  · Same-sex marriages should become legal in all states of the country in order to prevent the discrimination of people according to their sexual orientation and provide equal rights for the population of all states, but not the minority of them

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