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Swine flu essay

Swine flu essay

swine flu essay

Excerpt from Research Paper: Swine Flu Swine Influenza -- commonly known as Swine Flu is a type of infectious disease caused by the Swine Influenza Virus (SIV). Swine Influenza Virus (SIV) or Swine-Origin Influenza Virus (S-OIV) is very common in pigs all over the World (Siegel, 2) words essay on Swine Flu: Causes and Cure. In June , the World Health Organization (WHO) determined that H1N1 influenza A swine flu reached WHO level 6 criteria (person- to-person transmission in two separate WHO-determined world regions) and Estimated Reading Time: 6 mins Apr 17,  · Swine Influenza Virus (SIV) or Swine-Origin Influenza Virus (S-OIV) is very common in pigs all over the orld (Siegel, 2). The major two types of Swine influenza are influenza C. And Influenza A. Influenza A is further classified into four major classes; H1N1, H1N2, H3N1, H3N2, and H2N3 (Stephenson, 7). Swine flu is mostly caused by Influenza A

Swine Flu - Essay - words

This page of the essay has words. Download the full version above. The history of swine flu dates back to investigation of the Spanish influenza Pandemic, which infected one third of the words population an estimated million people and caused approximately 50 million deaths. Swine flu is an acute and highly contagious respiratory disease caused by various which became a pandemic globally. It started as an epidemic, affecting many people at the same time is referred to as a H1N1 influenza NHSChoice Symptoms are similar to most influenza infectious such as a usual tiredness, headache, swine flu essay, runny nose, sore throat, swine flu essay, shortness of breath r cough, loss of appetite, aching muscles diarrhea or vomiting.

The University of Southampton spin-out company Prime Design was the first company in United Kingdom to come out with a diagnostic technique for swine flu, swine flu essay. They produced high-tech DNA detection kits which detects results faster and more accurate than traditional diagnosis techniques. They main aim is to produce synthetic DNA that matches the virus exactly, without ever having to come into contact with the flu itself, swine flu essay.

The test can identify the occurrence of swine flu within two hour. Monitoring the spread of the swine flu virus will eliminate against a possible pandemic and will contribute to the global effort to the halt disease Sciencedaily. com accessed The H1N1 flu virus is spread just like an ordinary cold and flu viruses and causes acute secondary respiratory infections.

Swine flu is most likely spread by direct contact with repertory secretions of someone that is sick with swine flu when they cough and sneeze close to you, swine flu essay. The droplets spread and hang suspended in the air for a while, land on surfaces and can swine flu essay up to 24 hours, swine flu essay.

Anyone who touches the surfaces can spread the virus by touching anything else for example door handles, hand rails or swine flu essay control. People usually pretentious by picking up the virus on their hands from contaminated objects and then placing them near their nose or mouth. It is also possible to breathe in the virus if it suspended in airborne droplets, swine flu essay.

People with swine flu are like contagious for one day before and up to seven days after they began to get sick with swine flu symptoms. The virus constantly changes its form, thereby eluding them protective antibodies that people may have developed. Swine flu can be treated by two antiviral drugs which are Tami flu given as a pill and Relenza which is an swine flu essay. They work by preventing the flu virus from reproducing and seem to be effective at treating causes that have occurred so far it taken 48 hours of the symptoms beginning.

However, swine flu essay, the drugs must be administered at an early stage to be effective. Use of the drugs makes also make it less likely infected people will pass virus to others. This can also reduce the risk of complications and possibly shorten the illness. Tami flu like any other medications has side effects such as vomiting, stomach, swine flu essay, nausea or headaches. The severity of swine flu in humans can range from severe to mild.

In its most swine flu essay form, death is a possible outcome, swine flu essay. With the outbreak fatalities have only happened in Mexico suggesting that there are environmental factors at play which can increase the severity of the condition.

The prognosis is good in mostly health people who can catch the disease then make as full recovery if treated, but older people infants, pregnant women and people with poor immune systems, fatal outcomes like respiratory failure and pneumonia and death may occur if not treated CIDRAP Before the the outbreak, swine flu essay, it was thought transmission of the swine flu virus swine flu essay limited between humans.

Statistics of the swine flu from the Centre of the Diseases Control CDC show that between and earlyswine flu essay, only 12 human cases of swine flu were detected in the US and none of them were fatal! Recently swine flu was not considered to be a particular devas ting disease although fatalities have occurred on occasion.

Duringa woman from the US often Wisconsin died from swine flu only 8 days after being initially hospitalized from pneumonia. America, Australia and United Kingdom have the highest recorded incidents, this might be because of the god health record system and since flu peaks in cold temperature it promotes the survival of the virus outside the body, swine flu essay, remaining airborne for a longer period.

Too much air traffic o and from these countries like Zimbabwe, Libya, Congo which might because of less air traffic, poor health data records and less awareness and vaccination programmers in place. The lack of adequate medical facilities, surveillance programmers in these countries makes it difficult to track the swine flu essay. The guardian accessed The disease may vary from person to person old people, young children, people with chronic medical problems, pregnant women at risk of catching flu.

It becomes sever4e and can lead to more deaths in this group, compared to a normal adult with swine flu. Swine flu mortality rates vary greatly from demographic groups. It has been recorded that infants and school going age children have the highest risk of catching swine as compared to the adult and elderly group. Severe economic and social disruption disasters can result from epidemic or pandemic -prone infectious diseases like swine flu.

Behavioral activities such as increases trade and travel, swine flu essay, food consumption patterns, swine flu essay, new medical practices, mass migrants of people, human conflict can predispose individuals to swine flu. The risk of respiratory infections is increased by exposure to cigarette smoke, which can injure or damage airways, swine flu essay. Toxic fumes industrial smoke and other air pollutants are also risk factors.

The government of public health access and allocation of resources, including access to prevention programs and post-exposure treatment interventions. Additionally, internationally political factors can have an impact, including limited or non-existent educational programs to support detection, identification and verification, and response, as well as limited or non-existent information technology and telecommunications infrastructure to establish surveillance links with high -risk areas of the globe These arise from insufficient financial investment in research and development to produce interventions procedures, technology, processes and training mostly in poor countries.

It also includes insufficient support for a large number of programs and market incentives which help develop interventions for the disease. This is another factor that predisposes individuals to the disease. Young children are prone to colds and before the immune system matures, swine flu essay, all infants are susceptible to upper respiratory infections, swine flu essay.

Smaller nasal and sinus passages also make younger children more vulnerable to colds than older children and adults. People with AIDS and other medical conditions that damage the immune system are extremely susceptible to serious infections, swine flu essay.

Patients who on chemotherapy or other medications that suppress the immune system are also prone to infection. Certain genetic disorders like sickle cell disease, cystic fibrosis predispose people to respiratory infections. A number of studies suggest that stress increase ones susceptibility to swine flu. Stress appears to increase the risk for a cold regardless of lifestyle or other health habits.

And once a person catches a cold or swine flu, stress can make symptoms worse by altering specific immune factors, which cause inflammation in the airways, swine flu essay.

According to researchers, there is a link between obesity and more severe swine flu which may be explained by physical pressure on the lungs. Studies have also shown that pregnant women also at a swine flu essay for serious swine flu infection, especially in the third trimester, when the foetus and womb compress the lower parts of the lungs. This makes it harder to breathe deeply and cough forcefully and may alter blood flow win the chest.

The susceptibility of young, healthy people to severe illness with the swine flu H1N1 forms a difference from the pattern of disease recorded in seasonal epidemics.

The age group and pregnant women and people with chronic lung disease can alter the susceptibility of an individual to contact the contract the condition and can face the greatest risk of severe illness. An unhealthy lifestyle maybe considered as a predisposing factor. CIDRAP The launch of national vaccination programs, use of disposable masks and information leaflets were put into place as prevention measures. Banners and advertisements in local newspapers to make people of where and what is going on around them.

Closing schools for long periods could reduce the spread of swine flu, ease its burden on hospitals and potentially limit the number of deaths it causes. The government should make it possible for the vaccination process to be accessible to anyone and not only a group of people. People should take any type seriously if there is an outbreak of swine flu and education which is already in place must also be taken seriously and people should make an effort to be alert about the epidemic situations.

Healthcare professionals should know more about the virus and pass the most recommendations on to patients. They should also let patients know that once the virus is in a community, people should follow the precautions to prevent the spread of the disease, swine flu essay.

This means protecting yourself by clean, such as doorknobs. Guidance should also be given on using gowns, masks, swine flu essay, or gloves when handling infectious material. The protective barriers serve as extra layer of protection and can be used if an individual will be handling soiled tissues or other contaminative objects. In crowded settings or when close contact with people who may be sick cannot be avoided, a face mask may serve as a useful physical barrier whenever possible, teatement5 rather than relying on the use of face masks or respirators, close contact with people who might be ill in crowded settings should be avoided.

O biomedical model of health is used to reduce a number of mobility and premature mortality. The aim of this model is identify people who are at risk from a disease; it focuses on treatment rather than prevention. This type of model for instance look at the party of the body using x-ray to examine what might be wrong with inside your body so as to have a good health. If there is something wrong with the person a treatment to ease the pain will be given such as antibiotics. The treatment involves is based on the belief that there is always a cure to every physical conditions.

Examples of the biomedical model of health conditions or diseases are diabetes, swine flu essay, cancer, stroke and AIDS.

Its levels of interventions are classified as primary, secondary and tertiary. Primary prevention this is whereby a disease is prevented through immunization or encourage people who smoke through education them and telling them about effects of smoking and how they can overcome.

The secondary intervention focuses on the progressing of diseases such as use of x-rays and early diagnosis methods. The tertiary prevention is whereby when doctors try to reduce further disabilities and prevent reoccurrence of an illness such as rehabilitation and many other.

Social model of health concerns the sense of having support from family and friends e. having friends to talk to and being involved in activities with other people. It looks at the society environment. Swine flu essay focuses on the factors which may affect our everyday health and wellbeing. For instance things which may affect health and wellbeing swine flu essay poverty, poor housing, low income, population, unhealthy diet, swine flu essay, poor sanitation unemployment environmental which can effect pollution and diet.

It also focuses on the environment for instance if someone swine flu essay during working it swine flu essay look on the causes which made the person fell. The is model aims to reduce inequalities that relate to age, swine flu essay, culture, gender, ethnicity, social economics status and locations often as the preventable approach.

It looks at discriminating against swine flu essay disabilities acting as barrier and social backgrounds. It also focuses in changes in the physical, economic and physical environment. Other purpose of this model is to make sure that the manufactures of food label the food those factors which can affect a human being by banning smoking in public places as this will effect environment as well as the other.

On the other hand is concerned with the way society define health and illness. Within the Culture is a collection of common understandings or meanings that a group of people shares and passed on to the next generation. People live their lives collecting ideas and habits, expectations, swine flu essay, values and norms which swine flu essay learn along the way, sharing and transmitting from generation, ceremonies or family history varies from society to swine flu essay and is mothers and makes society operate effectively.

Based on the beliefs of the two theories, they are all useful because social order is maintained within a society. Biomedical considers health as the absence of disease. One has to be ill first before they are diagnosed and treated. Drugs and surgery are the key tools.

H1N1 (Swine Flu) - Closed Captioned

, time: 5:26

Swine Flu and Efforts to Control It Essay - Words | Bartleby

swine flu essay

The flu vaccine is Flu vaccines are routinely available for seasonal influenza, but these vaccines are not likely to be protective against flu caused by the novel H1N1 (formerly termed "swine flu") virus. A vaccine against the novel H1N1 flu is in production as of summer and may be ready for administration in fall of words essay on Swine Flu: Causes and Cure. In June , the World Health Organization (WHO) determined that H1N1 influenza A swine flu reached WHO level 6 criteria (person- to-person transmission in two separate WHO-determined world regions) and Estimated Reading Time: 6 mins Words4 Pages. Swine Flu: Swine Flu or H1N1is one of the communicable diseases that have posed serious public health threats across the globe. Swine Flu emerged as an apparent new strain of influenza A in in Hong Kong in birds though it was later discovered that the strain may have been dated back to the s

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