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World war ii essay

World war ii essay

world war ii essay

Historical Essay: World War II in Philippines Introduction World War II has a great impact on the Philippines. This essay is going to study the causes, courses and effects of World War II in the Philippines. The purpose of this essay is also to look at how Batanes was involved in the World War II and how the war impacted the island  · The Second World War was one of the most devastating moments in the history of humanity. The conflict claimed the lives of millions of people throughout the world; the number of fatalities actually make it the most fatal in history. The war also proved to be costly; the global damages amount to trillions of blogger.comted Reading Time: 9 mins Essay on World War II ( Words) War is one of the most tragic things in our world today. It is even sadder that usually it comes around at least once in our lifetime. In the 20th century alone we have already had two huge blogger.comted Reading Time: 3 mins

World War II | History essays | Free Essay Examples for Students

The Second World War was one of the most devastating moments in the history of humanity. The conflict world war ii essay the lives of millions of people throughout the world; the number of fatalities actually make it the most fatal in history. The war also proved to be costly; the global damages amount to trillions of dollars. Years prior, the First World War occurred.

Those involved in the first conflict tried to take the necessary precautions to avoid another international war from taking place. Unfortunately, it was this attempt that caused the second war to occur. This research paper aims to discuss how the First World War resulted in the occurrence of the Second World War. The First World War ended on November 11, The experience of such war required the creation of a peace settlement.

In Januarythe countries which emerged victorious in the war sent their representatives to gather in Paris. The said assembly would make political decisions that would influence international relations.

The decisions were mostly influenced by the heads of the Allied world war ii essay. These are France Premier Georges Clemenceau, British World war ii essay Minister David Lloyd George, and Italian Prime Minister Vittorio Orlando and United States President Woodrow Wilson. Prior to the armistice that ended the First World War, President Wilson had already formulated a plan to establish peace.

Among the fourteen provisions, three are notable. Wilson thought that the aftermath of the war should not bring victory, world war ii essay, but instead it should bring peace. World war ii essay a subject expert to help you with Reflection Essay on World War II. He also thought that Germany must not be given cruel punishment or else it would provoke the country to avenge its loss.

For Wilson, the appropriate penalty would enable the defeated parties as well as the Allied powers to have peaceful relations. Another provision which Wilson suggested was disarmament. Wilson upheld the belief that only through disarmament can peace be truly achieved. If each country were disarmed there would be no threats of war or invasion. He also thought that issues between nations must be discussed openly. Moreover, Wilson suggested the establishment of an organization which could serve as the platform in which international disputes can be settled and wars could be prevented.

He referred to it as the League of Nations. The provisions that Wilson suggested may have born out of noble intentions, but it was contrary to what the European Allies wanted. European nations involved in the war were bitter over what had occurred. This holds true for France. Most of the battles occurred in France; many soldiers and civilians were killed.

The French were still threatened by what Germany was capable of doing. Therefore, as opposed to what Wilson suggested, France wanted to severely punish Germany and render it incapable of waging yet another war. The aftermath of the First World War included the signing of several peace treaties.

However, the most notable was the Treaty of Versailles. It was a peace treaty agreed upon by the World war ii essay and Germany. The creation of the treaty began on January 18, at the Paris Peace Conference; it was signed on June 28th that same year at the Palace of Versailles.

It was this treaty that primarily caused the Second World War to occur. This is because aside from punishing Germany through reparations, it made Germany solely responsible for the occurrence of the war. The Germans reacted to the treaty with much disdain; this is why when Adolf Hitler came to power, he sought to abolish the treaty.

The provision President Wilson made about the League of World war ii essay was established through the Treaty of Versailles, world war ii essay. Those nations who were part of the League had to recognize the boundaries of the other member nations; they also had to bring all contentions to the League for settlement.

Over sixty countries were part of the League, excluding the United States. The absence world war ii essay the United States in the League proved to be a disadvantage for the organization. On the other hand, Wilson's wish against the severe punishment of Germany was not granted. The Treaty of Versailles had Germany at the losing end of the agreement. It was responsible for the decreasing not only Germany's territory, but its power in general. The penalties given to Germany were so harsh that the treaty was criticized by many.

This statement held true for the treaty. The treaty prioritized the rights of the Allied nations over the rights of Germany. For instance, France emerged victorious in the war, world war ii essay. Most world war ii essay the demands of the French were considered and granted by the treaty. France was able to regain possession of Alsace-Lorraine as indicated in Section V of Part III of the treaty.

As payment for the coal mine destruction, Germany also has to hand over control of the Saar Basin to France, as indicated in Article 45 of Section IV. However, one significant loss of Germany involved the Polish Corridor. Created after the First World War, the Polish Corridor was an area of land which detached East Prussia from Germany. The city of Danzig near the Baltic Sea was made a free port by the treaty. Both Poland and Germany had no control over this territory. However, it was inappropriate for the treaty to remove the Corridor from Germany; this is because Germany was not to blame for the seizure of this world war ii essay. It was Prussia, not Germany, who seized the Corridor from Poland.

King of Prussia Frederick world war ii essay Great was the one responsible for the territorial loss of Poland. The Corridor was only included in the territory of the German Empire as a province of Prussia. It is crucial to note that the corridor formerly known as West Prussia was never really recognized as a territory of Germany, world war ii essay.

Hence, to punish Germany by taking away world war ii essay the nation did not seize in the first place was unjustified. The Treaty of Versailles also demilitarized Germany in very specific terms. The entire army must only be composed a hundred thousand individuals.

The treaty even forbade Germany from importing weapons or using poisonous gases or liquids, world war ii essay. Such rules were resented by the Germans; it was therefore no surprise that the first thing Hitler did when he came to power was to restore the military forces of Germany, world war ii essay, eventually causing the Second World War.

The Treaty of Versailles also seized all of Germany's foreign territories. Through mandates given by the League, the German colonies in Africa were placed under French and British control. However, the gravest imposition of the Treaty of Versailles on Germany was the War Guilt Clause. Secretary of State. During the Committee's deliberations, Lansing made sure that there was no German involved in the process.

The claim was considered as false, prompting American historian H. Barnes to ask for the clause to be revised. Despite the invalid claim of the War Guilt Clause, Germany still signed the Treaty of Versailles. This is because the German representatives were forced and threatened to sign the treaty.

The clause demanded that Germany should pay reparations to the other countries involved for the damage the war caused. Germans world war ii essay with such amount because the nation was incapable of paying that great sum. Germany also argued that they are not the only one to blame for the war.

German aggression, which contributed to causing the war, was retaliation against the Treaty of Versailles. From the start, Germany disagreed with the harsh penalties stated in the treaty. The treaty made Germany the only party to blame for the First World War. As punishment, the country was stripped off its military capabilities and its foreign territories. In addition, the treaty demanded a significant sum of money for war damages, world war ii essay.

When Hitler became powerful, he disobeyed the treaty. Not only did he strengthen the German army, he also sought the return of the Polish Corridor to Germany. The Treaty of Versailles was a crucial contributor to the occurrence of the Second World War for many reasons. The end of the First World War made the international community seek for ways in which to preserve world peace. In addition, they wanted to establish fairness and rapport among the countries after the way.

The Allied nations created a treaty in hopes of reaching these objectives. Unfortunately, the treaty failed to fulfill its goal. The reason why the World war ii essay of Versailles did not work was because it was flawed from the beginning, world war ii essay.

From the start, it was not feasible to try to achieve peace immediately after such a brutal war. It is also ridiculous to try to be just in dealing with every country involved. For example, France wanted Germany to be severely punished because France was greatly affected by the war. Because the affected parties want revenge against Germany, the treaty that was established on good intentions eventually resulted in more damages.

The noble intention of seeking peace and justice was contrary to how the Treaty of Versailles was made. Upon entering the peace negotiations, both Britain and France already sought to seek revenge. Germany and Russia were deliberately left out of the Peace Conference. To make matters worse, world war ii essay, reparations were being demanded from people who were already affected by war.

WW1 - Oversimplified (Part 1)

, time: 6:24

The Causes and Effects of World War II Essay - Words | Bartleby

world war ii essay

 · The Second World War was one of the most devastating moments in the history of humanity. The conflict claimed the lives of millions of people throughout the world; the number of fatalities actually make it the most fatal in history. The war also proved to be costly; the global damages amount to trillions of blogger.comted Reading Time: 9 mins  · World War II remains one of the most devastating conflicts in the recent history of humankind, and its effects still echo in modern society. Therefore, exploring the events of WWII will allow understanding the challenges of the contemporary political and economic choices made on  · The Second World War remains to be one of the most significant events in human history. There are hundreds of topics to choose from considering the vast nature of this subject. As such, it won't be hard for one to select a theme when requested to write an essay about it. Here, we offer guidance to students in academic

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